"Like dissolves like”
Those who are familiar, there’s principle in Chemistry called
“Like dissolves like”. What it means in chemistry is; hydrophobic compounds are
better soluble in organic hydrophobic solvents like oil. And polar compounds
(eg. Sugar, Salt etc.) are soluble in water. This is not just limited to
chemistry, we observe this as a general principle of Nature. We can see this in
society. People with similar nature and thoughts become good friends and makes
a group. Spirituality, being ultimate reality of Nature, the Universe. The
principle of “Like dissolves Like” applies to Spirituality as well. Ultimate
liberation, we called Moksha is the merging, immersion, dissolution of Atma in
Parmatma. We can become one with God only if we have the same quality like God.
So the first step is to convince ourselves that “I am the God”. Believe that I
am the God and am possessing all the quality as I assume the God has. When we identify
ourselves with God, we become one with god. If we assume God as a separate
entity, or a person sitting somewhere in heaven, far…far away from us. We
ourselves are creating separation and distance.It has been explained in literature:
"अहं ब्रह्मास्मि" “I am the Brahman”
“I am the infinite reality” It is one of the Mahavakya
used to explain unity of Macrocosm and Microcosm.VIdyaranya in his Panchadasi
(V.4) explains :
स्वतः पूर्णः परात्माऽत्र ब्रह्मशब्देन वर्णितः |
अस्मीत्यैक्य-परामर्शः तेन ब्रह्म भवाम्यहम् ||
Infinite by nature, the Supreme Self is described here by the
word Brahman, the word asmi denotes the identity
of aham and Brahman. Therefore, (the meaning of the sentence is)
"I am Brahman."
"शिवोहम्" SHIVOHAM : “I am the Shiva”Adi Sankaracharya explains Shivoham in “Atmashatkam” also
known as “NirvanaShatkam”Atmashatkam expalains:
“I am not mind, nor intellect, nor ego, nor the reflections of
inner self (citta). I am not the five senses. I am beyond that. I am not the
ether, nor the earth, nor the fire, nor the wind (the five elements). I am
indeed, That eternal knowing and bliss, pure consciousness, the
auspicious SHIVA."सोSहम्" SOHAM : “I am That”, Identifies oneself with the universe or the ultimate
reality.Kashmir Shaivism says that we should meditate on God by becoming God;
only then we can attain God.
Excellent Sir
ReplyDeleteI remembered when we are talking about life & carrier, you explained about life through each quarter of the square like highest priority to lowest priority.
Very good initiation, continuously looking for your post.