Zero Logic

My ambition is to make my Logic zero:
Question arises from Logic, and logic is a form of "Maya". Logic is our capabilities, effort or attempt to explain what is unknown on the basis of what is known. Extrapolation of known fact to explain, to describe what is unknown. Unknown domain is proportional to Knowledge domain. When knowledge domain increases, domain of unknown also increases.  However, surprisingly, when knowledge domain becomes 100% unknown domain becomes zero. Difficult to give mathematical expression for these functions. At this point logic is ZERO. as there's nothing unknown. and also questioning is zero. That should be the state of Gyani, or the Parmatma. For both of them Logic is Zero.
Mathematically :
L = P f(K) X f(U)
L = Logic, 
f(K) = Knowledge domain function 
f(U) = Unknown domain function
P = Constant (Personality constant) varies from person to person. 

When knowledge is 100% for Gyanis individual identity dissolves and P becomes zero. Bhagwan Nityanand said in Chidakash Gita " Gyanis are like little, a 6 months old baby.  They both don't discriminate between diamond and sand. Now I know why Gyanis compared with a little baby. Because for both of them Logic is zero. For a Baby knowledge is zero and for Gyanis Unknown domain is zero. So as per above equation for both of them L = 0 It is common saying that we should develop our Logic. However my ambition is to make my Logic zero. So, let’s keep questioning till our Logic becomes zero.

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