Here and Now

कोसों दूर क्यों चले तु "साधक"
पानेको शिव की एक झलक 

सब कुछ हासिल "यहीं ईसी पल"
बसपाँच कोष भिंतर को चल ।।

"यहीं ईसी पल"  =   Here and Now
   पाँच कोष।    =   अन्नमयप्राणमयमनमयविज्ञानमयआनंदमय

One has to turns अंतर्मुखी and start internal journey. Passing through these five कोष

To attain आत्मसाक्षात्कारआत्मदर्शन। 

“Here and Now”

Significance in material and spiritual world.

Material world :

As per Einstein Space-Time theory. Time is fourth dimension. Three dimension of space and forth dimension is time. “Here” describes the position in three dimensional space and “Now” describes the Time point. Time has unique properties compare to other Three dimension of Space, that it goes only in one direction. Time is made up of series of Now moments. In space we can go back to any position in space, however the time will be different (unless we time travel). Nothing can be present at two position in space at a given time. That makes “Here” insignificant, as Now moment alone itself defines the spatial position as well.

Spiritual world :

These four dimension are not enough to describe the Spiritual world. There must be fifth dimension Conciousness or Thoughts. Not sure if these two are same or different dimensions.

"Now Moment" alone defines Here interms of physical appearance, However, mentally the person might be some where else. Saying Here, means to be present to the Now Moment,to witness the NOW moment,  to live the now moment, To be with Now moment.

Mind is usually not present at the present the Now moment. It is either in past or in future or any imaginary world. The truth is Here and NOW and mind is Then and There.
Bringing the mind and holding it at NOW MOMENT is fundamental of meditation.
Several techniques are discussed in Vigyan Bhairav Tantra for meditation. All these actually helps to bring mind to NOW moments. 

Breathing is the best example of Now moments as we breath Here and NOW.
Breathing exercise, Repeating So-HAM during inhale and exhale of breathing, is actually helps to bring mind to witness the breathing and NOW moment.

NAAD YOG, or LAY YOG,  is again a tool for bringing the mind to Here and NOW. As we can hear the NAAD only when we focus and concentrate on the NAAD which is playing Here and NOW.

In Siddhayoga, during Sadhan when Sadhak is observing and witnessing Kriyas he is bringing the mind to, and be present to that "Here and Now" moment.

Several Spiritual activities like, Mantra Jap, Mala Jap etc. must be helping to bring the mind to HERE and NOW to Now moment.

In Gita Bhagwan Sri Krishna has explain the nature of Mind and the importance to control it. It means to bringing it to NOW moment. “Here and NOW”

In world of Swami Vivekananda : “You can be closer to God through football, than through the study of the Gita” When you are playing Foot ball with complete concentration and merged with the NOW moment, you are in the state of Meditation.

When you present to NOW moment, whatever you do is the meditation. This forms the basics of Karma Yoga in Vyadh Gita.

There’s a nice doha by Sant kabir :

 कल करे सो आज करआज करे सो अब 
पालमै प्रलय होएग़ी बाहुरि करेगा कब ।।

अब means, NOW moment. Do it NOW, Here and NOW.

On lighter note, there’s another Doha of Sant Kabir which says :

धीरे धीरे रे मना धीरे सबकुछ होई 
माली सींचें सो घड़ा रूत आए फल हाई ।। 

These two appears to be contradict, however not in fact, the first one suggest if you want to do any spiritual activity, do it now, HERE and NOW Now is the moment, Don’t wait for the right Moment to come. Second doha says have patience, have faith once you have initiated on the path of spirituality. 

NOW in Hindi sounds as नाव some what,  so,
 NOW, is the नाव जो पार लगाएगी
Writing few interesting lines. Please read नाव as NOW,

किस नाव की राह तकेखोयी हज़ारों नाव 
हर जो नाव है हाथ तेरे,  उसी से पार हो जाव  ।।

Don’t wait for the right moment to arrive, thousands of NOW moments have passed by. Just be with the NOW moment you have right now, HERE and NOW. 

🕉 For NOW,