आप शिव का साक्षात्कार तब तक नहीं कर सकते, जब तक आप हिन्दू हो। अल्लाह का दीदार तब तक नहीं कर सकते जब तक आप एक मुसलमान हो। और जीज़ुस को तब तक नहीं पा सकते जब तक आप एक क्रिस्चन हो।
You will not have Sakshatkar of Shiva as long as you are Hindu. You will not have Deedar of Allah, as long as you are Muslim and you will not get the sight of Jesus as long as you are Christian.
Your identity as “Who you are” or “Who you think or believe yourself to be” is the manifestation of your ‘ego’.
As you progress in the path of Spirituality, your ‘Ego’ dissolves slowly and ‘Advaita’ developes. Whatever path you are following, you develop equal respect and liking for all the path and religion. The boundaries dissolves to ‘Oneness’ the ‘Advaita’. This can be considered as Biomarker (milestone) for your Spiritual journey.
At the point of self-realization (AtmaSakshatkar) the Enlightment, your ego becomes zero. All your identity including your Cast and Religion as defined by ego vanishes with Ego.
In samadhi avashtha at the point of Enlightenment, When you have Sakshatkar of Shiva you are no more Hindu. As your identity of being Hindu has already vanished with your Ego. Similarly when you get Deedar of Allah you are no more Musalman. And, when have vision of Jesus you are no more Christian.
So try and understand, as long as you recognize yourself as Hindu, Musalim or Christian, your EGO pervades and you are far from the path of Spirituality.
जब शिव से साक्षात्कार होगा तब आप हिन्दू नहीं होंगे। जब अल्लाह का दीदार होगा तब आप मुसलमान नहीं रहोगे। और जब जीज़ुस को पाओगे तब क्रिस्चन नहीं होंगे।
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